Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wonderful things are happening for all of us this week! Patrick pedaled his bike around the track for an entire mile unassisted, Emma is using her communicator asking to go to the bathroom, and Rogers speech is improving!!! The bounty of one long tiring trip is endless!! We are all so happy to have gone to Ecuador and return home with such wealth. Will I ever stop saying thank you to our wonderful friends? Never. God bless and happy, happy Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Patrick Returns To Ecuador!!
Once again I can not thank the families, friends, and strangers that made Patrick's first trip, return trip, and this first trip for the Love family possible. I am happy to tell you that not just Patrick French & Emma Love were treated this morning but her dad Roger Love was treated this evening.
This morning Patrick walked into the clinic and screamed with joy at the top of his lungs just like he has hugged the hyperbaric chamber on so many occasions. Patrick remembered where he was and knew why we were back. As all of you know his cognitive ability over the past 7 months has increased tremendously along with his vision, gastric issues, physical strength, and ability to protect himself. Patrick knew exactly where he was and remembered why. He fought like a banshee as FIVE yes FIVE people held him down for the anethesia. When everyone thought he was out and relaxed he fought back again; he thought we would give up before him. Our family motto is "NEVER GIVE UP". Patrick never gave up!!! For either of my other children I would have cried being a part of this but for Patrick my heart soared knowing he got it and he was fighting to the bitter end!! Go Patrick!! Go Patrick!!
We do not know what is to come next for Patrick but we do know it will be positive. We also know we will return to Ecuador again whether it is for Patrick or any other member of our family. These doctors are true at heart, true in their quest to heal, and friends to me and my loved ones.
Rock on Patrick, Emma, and Roger!! Thank you once again to the loyal, committed doctors in Ecuador!!!! We shall always respect and love your ability to think outside the box and make things happen. Healing is possible and does not mirror masking with drugs!!
Patrick walked in today knowing I am in a good place, I am in a place that helped me.
For all of you appreciate and notice the little things. Those of us in an imperfect world know the little things been everything. We see every little change and thank God for them. We again thank all of you once again. God Bless!!!
This morning Patrick walked into the clinic and screamed with joy at the top of his lungs just like he has hugged the hyperbaric chamber on so many occasions. Patrick remembered where he was and knew why we were back. As all of you know his cognitive ability over the past 7 months has increased tremendously along with his vision, gastric issues, physical strength, and ability to protect himself. Patrick knew exactly where he was and remembered why. He fought like a banshee as FIVE yes FIVE people held him down for the anethesia. When everyone thought he was out and relaxed he fought back again; he thought we would give up before him. Our family motto is "NEVER GIVE UP". Patrick never gave up!!! For either of my other children I would have cried being a part of this but for Patrick my heart soared knowing he got it and he was fighting to the bitter end!! Go Patrick!! Go Patrick!!
We do not know what is to come next for Patrick but we do know it will be positive. We also know we will return to Ecuador again whether it is for Patrick or any other member of our family. These doctors are true at heart, true in their quest to heal, and friends to me and my loved ones.
Rock on Patrick, Emma, and Roger!! Thank you once again to the loyal, committed doctors in Ecuador!!!! We shall always respect and love your ability to think outside the box and make things happen. Healing is possible and does not mirror masking with drugs!!
Patrick walked in today knowing I am in a good place, I am in a place that helped me.
For all of you appreciate and notice the little things. Those of us in an imperfect world know the little things been everything. We see every little change and thank God for them. We again thank all of you once again. God Bless!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Patrick Robert French
1 bad vaccine
$54,ooo copay at Childrens Specialized to save life
$108,000 in vitamin shots, holistic care, and osteopathic treatment
$20,000 / year in medical food & supplies for 14 years
582 hyperbaric oxygen treatments at $200/hr in NJ,NY,CT,FL plus travel
$18,000 and 2 stem cell treatments in Ecuador plus travel
miscellaneous expensive bikes,toys,etc
Values in at well over 1/2 million dollars
To the lifetime supporters of the Patrick French Foundation,
Thank you for helping, loving, caring, and providing these treatments to better his life.
Love, Jacki
$54,ooo copay at Childrens Specialized to save life
$108,000 in vitamin shots, holistic care, and osteopathic treatment
$20,000 / year in medical food & supplies for 14 years
582 hyperbaric oxygen treatments at $200/hr in NJ,NY,CT,FL plus travel
$18,000 and 2 stem cell treatments in Ecuador plus travel
miscellaneous expensive bikes,toys,etc
Values in at well over 1/2 million dollars
To the lifetime supporters of the Patrick French Foundation,
Thank you for helping, loving, caring, and providing these treatments to better his life.
Love, Jacki
Monday, November 1, 2010
Back To Ecuador We Go!!
Two weeks from today we leave!!! Can not wait to see what happens for Patrick next:) Ecuador here we come!!! Go Patrick Go! and just want to share something very few people know about. Very few know the real story behind Raggedy Ann. Its creator had a vaccine injured child who the original doll was created for. My son Patrick was that floppy doll once. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer but Raggedy Ann was really about a kid that couldn't hold her head up. The doll caught on like Charles Shaw wine:) a bitter sweet beginning to a happy financial ending.
And with that said, alternative medicine changed and continues to change the life of a Raggedy Andy named Patrick French. Without nutritional intervention, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, horrific physical therapy at home, parental intervention, and now the miracle of stem cell therapy our Patrick would have never achieved or experienced the pleasures of life he does now.
Tonight we went to dinner for his big brother Sean's 21 birthday!!! Happy day, happy times! When we got in the car to come back from MSU, Patrick was straining his neck to look out the front window and then also watching the traffic and lights from his passenger window. His acute,alert visual function is astounding.
Please peeps, please Lord keep us in your prayers as we travel again. God bless all of you that have made this happen for Patrick, Kieran, and Emma. You all have your silent pass to heaven for providing the funds to do this. Our families love you forever!!!
And with that said, alternative medicine changed and continues to change the life of a Raggedy Andy named Patrick French. Without nutritional intervention, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, horrific physical therapy at home, parental intervention, and now the miracle of stem cell therapy our Patrick would have never achieved or experienced the pleasures of life he does now.
Tonight we went to dinner for his big brother Sean's 21 birthday!!! Happy day, happy times! When we got in the car to come back from MSU, Patrick was straining his neck to look out the front window and then also watching the traffic and lights from his passenger window. His acute,alert visual function is astounding.
Please peeps, please Lord keep us in your prayers as we travel again. God bless all of you that have made this happen for Patrick, Kieran, and Emma. You all have your silent pass to heaven for providing the funds to do this. Our families love you forever!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
When you think its time to give up its time to never give up!!!!
Today I was really ready to throw in the towel. This weekend the stress of our life got to me so badly that I drove to the ER with such head pain even 2 shots of morphine weren't enough to calm the anxiety of our lives. And then today in the midst of total financial destruction, 2 cars dying, God once again showed me there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. After withdrawing the last of our retirement a mere savings of $3000, Patrick and I set out on one of our educational field trips in pursuit of a car for Kathleen. We were in a lot in Roselle and I helped him into the rear seat of a car and he went into a total melt downpanic attic. It took me 30 seconds or so to figure out he actually thought that I was putting him in the car and that the dealer was getting in the car to drive away with him. As horrible a those few seconds were for him, it was so wonderful for me to see he understood the situation and responded correctly. Patrick is understanding and responding as a young toddler would; this is amazing for my beautiful 14 year old vaccine injured son who was diagnosed with STATIC encephalopathy along with many other things. He gets it; he knows he wants to be with mom,dad,Sean,and Kathleen. Patrick loves us just as much as we love him; his hugs tell all. God bless everyone!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Functional Vision
Patrick and I have just returned from the eye doctor; a specialist in functional vision. It is now documented that Patrick's increase in functional vision since Ecuador is dramatic!!!! Functional vision level is determined by appropriate response to stimuli. In children with cortical blindness and cortical impairments, the eyes are fine and the brain is fine but the signals going from each is not received correctly. This new functioning is the result of the brain recognizing what it is seeing more accurately than before.
We noticed the difference immediately but wanted confirmation and now we have that. Patrick is starting to use his senses together correctly and it is time for us to concentrate on strengthing his visual skills. The more we focus on this the easier it will become for Patrick to grasp objects correctly, manipulate them, and enjoy life. As we return to Ecuador we have strength knowing that doctors here in America support the doctors in Ecuador and their treatments. His eye doctor believes this is only the beginning for Patrick.
We noticed the difference immediately but wanted confirmation and now we have that. Patrick is starting to use his senses together correctly and it is time for us to concentrate on strengthing his visual skills. The more we focus on this the easier it will become for Patrick to grasp objects correctly, manipulate them, and enjoy life. As we return to Ecuador we have strength knowing that doctors here in America support the doctors in Ecuador and their treatments. His eye doctor believes this is only the beginning for Patrick.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New Tricks:))
Well mister sense of humor has been cracking himself up! His newest trick is to let go of the side of the pool and then grab it to save himself before he falls. He is very amused by this and I am fascinated. I would love to be able to get inside his head and see what and how he sees, thinks,etc. God is so wonderful and progress is a miracle. Enjoy the weather!!!!! Gotta go swim:))))))
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Pool Therapy

Well today Patrick stood for over 2 hours!!!!! Not only did he stand but he cruised ever so slowly around the side of the pool. This is similar to a toddler cruising around the coffee table before they decide they can let go. Patrick missed this step along with many other important transitions needed for balance. He was shifting his feet, letting go of the side with one arm, and confident. Let the sun shine, let Patrick stand in his pool, and God bless everyone that stood beside him.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Today someone questioned the integrity of the doctors in Ecuador and the progress Patrick is making. I took it all in and then decided to ask the doctors if I could share something very important. These men and women are so dedicated to healing and the progress of their patients that they have been in contact with me over the past four months as they are with all their patients. As most of you know this has been a long bumpy road for our family. We have suffered financial loss, emotional pain, and have made it because we stuck together, chose to look outside the box, and most of all trusted our faith and knew God would guide us. What is the quality of a doctor? The quality of a doctor is best shown when his or her interest lies in the well being of the patient far more than the well being of their pockets. Well get ready for this. The doctors of Ecuador have pursued us for contact since our departure; it has not been us initiating conversation. The doctors of Ecuador are so committed they are willing to treat Patrick for FREE because they want to determine how much progress he is capable of and care enough to extend this offer. These doctors are the real thing; caring, committed, dedicated, and healers. What does every parent want? For their child to reach their own potential. If Patricks potential is to become potty trained at 13 1/2 years of age and not experience gastric distress that is amazing for Patrick. As the parent of a special needs child I will never give up on maximizing his potential. Would you deny your child medical care or give up on them if it were cancer or any other disease? NO. So why would you give up on your child with neurological diseases?
Faith is tough. Faith is a test. Faith is your strength and your potential. Our family motto is "Never Give Up" and we are very lucky to have family, friends, and doctors that feel the same.
Faith is tough. Faith is a test. Faith is your strength and your potential. Our family motto is "Never Give Up" and we are very lucky to have family, friends, and doctors that feel the same.
And Back To Ecuador We Go!!!!!
After a long successful swim season for the Cranford Gators, I can finally take a breath and relax and refocus on my three children and our future. With time to relflect on our lives and our journey my heart always returns to the overwhelming gratitude I feel towards all the wonderful people that have helped us and Patrick get to where we are today. One group of people that have not been mentioned in my posts are the men that attend The Patrick French Foundation Golf Outing. For 8 years these men have returned over and over again to support Patrick and provide the funds needed to give him the best equipment and medical treatments available. To my brother and his golfers we thank you and will always be grateful.
This year started with Patrick's guardian angel our Tracy and the Cranford Elks wooshing in and getting us funds to take our first trip to Ecuador. Then the golf outing was again such a success that it has provided a pool, a walker, a wheelchair, and ankle braces. God bless all of you and there are no words to explain how we feel. We love all of you!
Since we returned from Ecuador Patrick has made incredible gains. His functional vision is astounding. Our backyard is about 60 feet deep and Patrick saw me come out of the back door with his lunch from 60 FEET!!!! screaming with glee as he watched me come forward with his food. His awareness and responses to everything have changed and best of all he is happy everyday!! This happiness comes from the most important gain. Patrick the boy that has suffered over and over from gastric issues including severe constipation is going to the bathroom several times a day!!!!!! This probably seems trivial to others but when you child bites his hands in agony, starves himself, and physically hurts his self and his caretakers over gastric distress, relief of this is everything. Now for the best part. Almost everyone has seen Patrick's blue rolling chair. Well since we got home he has been pushing his body out of the chair half way so it kinda looks like he is doing the limbo and he walks around like that. The reason he is doing this is.... he doesn't want to sit in the chair after he has gone to the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!! Patrick is ready to be potty trained! This is nothing short of a miracle. We once again ask for your prayers as we await the results of his current blood work. With all the improvements we have seen so far I find it hard to believe we will not see improvements in his IgA level so send out those prayers.
With all that said, as you all know I would mow down anything or anyone standing in my way to further Patrick's development. So it is back to Ecuador we go!!!! We want more and know that he wants more and this treatment can surely provide that. The doctors are also anxious to further Patrick's success. This time we are bringing guests! This time we will be traveling with Emma and Jennifer Love!!!! Emma is so in need of this treatment. She is brilliant but her autisim has her trapped in a nonverbal world. She can get on the internet, control a VCR but can not speak. Further communication along with potty training are the biggest hopes for the Love family.So once again we will asking for your help. Many of you attend the annual "Autism Speaks" walk that Jen runs in October. This year the after party at The Cranford Elks will not only be a thank you party from Jen to the walkers. This year we will be raising funds at the party to send Emma to Ecuador. Precious Thyme(the French's) will be donating the food, The Cranford Elks will be donating the room, and then we just need everyone else to help out. We need to get donations rolling in so spread the word! Spread the love and say your prayers for Emma too!!! We can do this with all of you behind us.
Thank you once again for listening, caring, praying and being there as always.And please watch for the upcoming blog "Emma Goes To Ecuador Too!!"
Love, Jacki and family
This year started with Patrick's guardian angel our Tracy and the Cranford Elks wooshing in and getting us funds to take our first trip to Ecuador. Then the golf outing was again such a success that it has provided a pool, a walker, a wheelchair, and ankle braces. God bless all of you and there are no words to explain how we feel. We love all of you!
Since we returned from Ecuador Patrick has made incredible gains. His functional vision is astounding. Our backyard is about 60 feet deep and Patrick saw me come out of the back door with his lunch from 60 FEET!!!! screaming with glee as he watched me come forward with his food. His awareness and responses to everything have changed and best of all he is happy everyday!! This happiness comes from the most important gain. Patrick the boy that has suffered over and over from gastric issues including severe constipation is going to the bathroom several times a day!!!!!! This probably seems trivial to others but when you child bites his hands in agony, starves himself, and physically hurts his self and his caretakers over gastric distress, relief of this is everything. Now for the best part. Almost everyone has seen Patrick's blue rolling chair. Well since we got home he has been pushing his body out of the chair half way so it kinda looks like he is doing the limbo and he walks around like that. The reason he is doing this is.... he doesn't want to sit in the chair after he has gone to the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!! Patrick is ready to be potty trained! This is nothing short of a miracle. We once again ask for your prayers as we await the results of his current blood work. With all the improvements we have seen so far I find it hard to believe we will not see improvements in his IgA level so send out those prayers.
With all that said, as you all know I would mow down anything or anyone standing in my way to further Patrick's development. So it is back to Ecuador we go!!!! We want more and know that he wants more and this treatment can surely provide that. The doctors are also anxious to further Patrick's success. This time we are bringing guests! This time we will be traveling with Emma and Jennifer Love!!!! Emma is so in need of this treatment. She is brilliant but her autisim has her trapped in a nonverbal world. She can get on the internet, control a VCR but can not speak. Further communication along with potty training are the biggest hopes for the Love family.So once again we will asking for your help. Many of you attend the annual "Autism Speaks" walk that Jen runs in October. This year the after party at The Cranford Elks will not only be a thank you party from Jen to the walkers. This year we will be raising funds at the party to send Emma to Ecuador. Precious Thyme(the French's) will be donating the food, The Cranford Elks will be donating the room, and then we just need everyone else to help out. We need to get donations rolling in so spread the word! Spread the love and say your prayers for Emma too!!! We can do this with all of you behind us.
Thank you once again for listening, caring, praying and being there as always.And please watch for the upcoming blog "Emma Goes To Ecuador Too!!"
Love, Jacki and family
Friday, June 18, 2010
Lest we forget
Yesterday Patrick and I went to Childrens Specialized Hospital to have new ankle braces made. Normally we run into very few patients and most of the time it is a toddler which we all would consider "normal" in need of speech or occupational therapy but yesterday was different. We arrived for our 1pm appointment and could not get in the fitting room because a young man was being fitted for a body cast. We waited and paced the halls and then I sat Patrick in a chair and went and sat on the other side of the room just observing. At this point four other families arrived. All four children were boys in reclined wheelchairs with an assortment of issues including trach tubes etc. but all were reclined and could not sit up. As usual when any of them cried Patrick laughed much to my dismay; I am always afraid he will upset a parent. But then I noticed him visually following people walking down the hall, following the voices, craning his neck to see where each person was going. And then it hit me. I was the parent years ago with the little boy in the reclined wheelchair that screamed in agony if he was upright. When Patrick was 3 1/2 years old we stormed out of Beth Isreal Hospital with a feeding tube in our son frustrated and angry and ready to turn anywhere but to more modern medicine. Thank god this happen for Patrick and our family. Driving home from the hospital it sank in that thank god we had the will, the desire, and the education to take matters into our own hands and stop listening to traditional doctors. We went to a holistic clinic for nutritional advice and started hyperbaric oxygen treatments. With each set of treatments his vision improved and he started eating again. With rigorous painful therapies he was able to finally hold his head up and eventually sit and eventually walk with assistance. Our latest endeavor for stem cells has only made his progress more sucessful. He has become incredibly strong, healthy, happy, and aware. He is making direct eye contact, recognizing people he sees rarely both vocally and visually, picking out a toy or game he wants to play with and demonstrating he wants you to play, and is very vocal. While driving home it saddened me that so many parents & children like the ones we had just seen will never know the opportunities that are out there and that their little boy could get out of that reclined wheelchair with the proper therapies. So today I am happy that I was reminded where we were and where we are now. Patrick has blossomed more than anyone would have imagined.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Higher Learning and Memory
Patrick's memory is improving!! Today we went to get my hair done at a family friends salon. My hairdressers daughter hurt her ankle so I left Patrick in the salon and went home to get an ankle boot from one of Kathleen's many ankle injuries. I came back to get Patrick and as we walked out into the parking lot he walked to the parking space I had parked in when we had arrived at the salon 2 hours earlier. He stood there confused with a look like
'where the heck is the car?' I then pointed at the car and said "I moved the car its over there" and he walked to the car. I sat in the parking lot realizing how wonderful it is to see this happening for him and for all of us. He is remembering situations, direction, and placement. Patrick is learning !!!
'where the heck is the car?' I then pointed at the car and said "I moved the car its over there" and he walked to the car. I sat in the parking lot realizing how wonderful it is to see this happening for him and for all of us. He is remembering situations, direction, and placement. Patrick is learning !!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Every Day is a Miracle
The worst nightmare of my life began in our little house on Wall Street thirteen years ago. Patrick was in his car seat in the corner of our living room under the gorgeous chesnut molding stairway. As I was running around cleaning up as he slept, I dropped something I cant even remember what and it caused a loud bang. When I turned to see if I had awoken Patrick I saw that indeed he was already awake but to my dismay he was not startled by the sound. I went up the staircase and dropped the object from the stairs above him and again there was no reaction. As my heart sank and my worries began every doctor said "dont worry he is a fat healthy baby." And yes the day before his DTaP at 6 months of age he was a fat healthy baby weighing in at 21 pounds. Over the next 48 hours his brain swelled, his belly swelled and all the doctors treated me like I was nuts; nothing was wrong with Patrick. Even my brother tried to calm me saying "there is nothing wrong with your baby" but I knew there was. When he was admitted to Overlook Hospital it confirmed that his brain was indeed swollen and that encephalitis was threatening his life. All of us are guilty of taking the small things for granted but today I never see things as small. This morning I walked Patrick out to the deck so he could enjoy his breakfast outside. I went in to make his breakfast and when I came out through the sliding door the screen door hit the casing and made enough noise for Patrick to look directly at me and the door. Since his injury Patrick's hearing has been acute but his vision was for some time classified as cortical visually blind and has progressed to cortically impaired. What that really means is that all along the brain was fine and the eyes were fine but the signals between the brain and eyes were not functional. Since his first hyperbaric treatments and until a month ago Patrick would have startled at the sound of the door or any noise but he would have NEVER turned his head and visually known which direction the sound came from. His vision has been improving over the past ten years but NEVER has his acuity been able to put the two senses of hearing and sight together and appropriately respond. Patrick has brought three spectators to tears over the past two days with his little miracles. Some have even asked is it just me? Am I just hoping too hard? No we are all just seeing the miracle of development at Patrick's pace which is all so much slower but even more gratifying than that of the normal child. Seeing it in slomo makes you appreciate the beauty of every baby step and understand its importance. God thank you again for our intelligence and our will to survive. Thank you for the wonderful doctors that look outside the box and thank you thank you thank you Cranford.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Growth & Healing
The past few weeks have been frustrating, exciting, depressing; EMOTIONAL. But there is definitely more going on than we can see. Sleep patterns, eating, everything is different. One minute Patrick refuses to eat and the next minute he is eating enough for a linebacker! Some days I cant get him out of bed and somedays like this morning he was up at the crack of dawn for massive amounts of food and drink, played, bathed, and napped all before 10am. What does this sound like?? It sounds like the normal pattern of a child in a massive growth spurt! His behavior is very different too. He wants to hold hands palm to palm this was always a tactile problem. He wants to give long hugs and has shed a few very emotional tears. He loves to hear himself laugh and make noises which is much more frequent. Our belief that the inner healing has not even begun to emerge in his behavior and that we have so much more to look forward to. Once again thank you to everyone that has helped, loved, and prayed. We love you!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sometimes You Have To Stop And Smell The Roses
Everyday we do so many things so quickly that we take life for granted and we dont stop to appreciate what is right in front of us. Yesterday in the sweltering 90 degree weather Patrick, Kathleen, and I went down to Menlo Park so Kathleen could try out for an 18/under travelling softball team. We parked the car and all the girls entered the field on the left side through a small opening in the fence. Patrick in his jogging stroller and myself went along the fence to a set of bleachers at the far right side of the field. He got bored quickly and wanted to be with the girls. There was another fence opening right in front of us which he refused to use. Patrick made me walk with him around the outside of the fence all the way back to the left side of the field where the girls entered; he has followed people before but never has he sat, processed, and then decided that is what I want to do. When we arrived at the dugout the coach said "did you know there was an entrance right where you started?" and to her I replied "yes but he wanted to enter where the girls came in; he wanted to get here the same way they did". As we went to leave 2 hours later we were hot, sweaty, and hungry. I said "Patrick we have to walk to your stroller." As everyone dispersed in all directions Patrick looked at his stroller and took the fast path instead of the marathon around the fence. Again he processed the information and decided which way to go. Life is too short and moves way too fast. Sometimes we just need to stop and smell the roses.
Oh, and by the way Kathleen made the team!
Oh, and by the way Kathleen made the team!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Jack- I replied under comments - did you see this?
Hi Jack, You need to go or you will never forgive yourself for letting the opportunity slip away. The procedure was very quick and noninvasive and believe me I was letting my nerves get the best of me too. If you would like to talk at length email me your phone number to thepatrickfrenchfoundation@gmail.com and we can talk. Jacki
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nobody is going to believe this one!!!!!
Okay anyone who has ever been around Patrick knows we have worked for 13 years trying to get him on his belly to strengthen his upper body. Well around a year ago he started rolling onto his belly with less fear (his gastric history made him afraid and sometimes this could be painful) but would quickly turn over if anyone got anywhere near him. This afternoon I was physically trying to force him to roll off his belly and he was deliberately fighting me and laughing. He is so strong I could not roll him over!!!!! I wonder what his next surprise will be???
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Life is so Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick just raised his hands 3 times to catch a ball!!!! He has been throwing balls forever but never ever ever attempted to bring his hands midline to catch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also used his arms to raise his body and adjust himself in his seat!! God is great and so are the wonderful doctors of ECuador! Now I need to stop crying and go cater 271 people!!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Somethings going on
Walked the marathon of hallway marathons last night! Patrick was very hyper and didnt go to bed til after midnight and then woke up at 5am just sitting there laughing at the top of his lungs for an hour. His eyes are moving all over the place like he has never seen before. I hope as the day continues we see more and more but he definitely is more aware and alert than normal. Check up at 11am and hoping for more good news!!!! We miss all of you!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The worst that can happen is nothing the best that can happen is eveything
Hi everyone,
Today the procedure went well but Patrick is still agitated from the anesthesia. Tomorrow will be a better day for both of us; just relieved that the procedure went well and he is safe. Today a man with Parkinsons we met 2 days ago before his treatments ran down the hallway; he was unable to walk without assistance when we arrived. I hope Patrick will receive such a miracle. Thank you for all the prayers and keep them coming!!! Love all of you!!!!
Today the procedure went well but Patrick is still agitated from the anesthesia. Tomorrow will be a better day for both of us; just relieved that the procedure went well and he is safe. Today a man with Parkinsons we met 2 days ago before his treatments ran down the hallway; he was unable to walk without assistance when we arrived. I hope Patrick will receive such a miracle. Thank you for all the prayers and keep them coming!!! Love all of you!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
We are Here!!!!!!
Hi everyone, we are in Quito Ecuador!!!! Flew all day Sunday and today we went for his exam to clear him for the procedure tomorrow. Patrick is in great shape and almost beat up two of the six doctors. So tomorrow at 11:30am we get picked up and the procedure begins at 12:30 so that's when the prayers have to go out in force!!!! We will never be able to thank everyone enough for giving us this opportunity and the support both monetary and emotionally. All of you have shown us how much you care and how much you think about Patrick. Thank you for loving him and helping us take care of him. On a different note we have a few American women worried that Patrick will fall in love with Ecuadorean boobs but so far he has found none to compare to his American favorites but we will keep you posted on how that develops also!!! News will continue each day!
Love all of you!!!!
Love all of you!!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Patrick French Foundation
Tax ID # 22-3730861
The Patrick French Foundation founded in April of 2000 is celebrating 10 strong years of providing Patrick and other children with needs not met through conventional medical pathways and expenses not covered by insurance. Those of you that have followed the course of Patrick’s life know that this has not been an easy road.
At the age of 6 months Patrick a fat healthy 21 pound boy suffered a severe allergic reaction to the DTaP vaccine. Struggling for his life he was now cortically blind, unable to eat, and his body was akin to a rag doll. On his third birthday Patrick was lucky enough to participate in a study at Cornell University which proved life changing. The Hyperbaric oxygen treatments he received began to renew his vision, ease the conflicts in his tiny body and he started to regain some strength.
After placing him in Children’s Specialized Hospital School once again his life was traumatized. After only 19 days, 2 infections, and 2 rounds of antibiotics Patrick endured 6 months of agony. A stomach tube was inserted as he screamed in pain from bleeding ulcers caused by Xithromax. It was at this point that we left Beth Israel Hospital determined to end Patrick’s pain. Patrick was now 3 ½ years of age and still a frightening 21 pounds!
The foundation was established and our first mission was more hyperbaric oxygen. Since then Patrick has received we’ll over 500 treatments at $200/hour, has been on a hypoallergenic diet costing several hundred dollars/month, received the best equipment including three bicycles costing in excess of $10,000, and thrives. His progress has been slow but steady as most of you have witnessed. Today Patrick is a healthy low functioning thirteen year old and ready to once again be brave and take the next step.
Patrick and I are seizing an opportunity we can not pass up and spending money we don't have yet because of the potential it can have on his future. Stem cell research as it is in this country has major side effects such as cancer due to the fact that they use other peoples cells and the chance of infection and rejection is serious. At the American Stem Cell and Anti-aging Center in Ecuador they are doing a procedure similar to a bone marrow transplant. They transfuse the child's own blood, remove the stem cells remaining in the child's body, replicate the child's own stem cells with human growth factor, and reintroduce the child's own stem cells in mass back into their body. Because of Patrick's Immunoglobulin A deficiency, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection has always been in our way with stem cells. Reintroducing his own cells can cause no harm only good.
This procedure mimics the bone marrow transplant used for 28 years for leukemia, and the 6 year old procedure to alleviate pain for rheumatoid arthritis. Stem cells are the cells that replicate after fertilization. They are undifferentiated; they can become anything. They are not skin cells, heart cells, bone cells, etc. They can however become any of these cells. The potential for healing has proved to cure Sickle Cell Anemia, and many other diseases specifically an immune deficiency such as Patrick's IgA deficiency that is incurable otherwise. Stem cells are like heat seeking missiles within the body and search for damaged tissues and repair them. The uses are limitless and the potential for this therapy to help Patrick is endless.
Maybe he would walk unattended, maybe he could eat non-medical food, maybe he could say a few simple words or actually make eye contact. We have no idea but the results with other individuals have all been positive and I refuse to let this opportunity slip away, The therapy costs $18,000 and the travel expenses are around $2,000.00.
So on April 18th yes April 18th Patrick and I embark on our next quest for healing. Patrick deserves this chance and has needed that little nudge for so long. When he says "MOM' I cry because I know he wants to say so much more. He constantly moves his jaw talking with no words.
We have been so lucky to have so many wonderful supporters that have kept him going all these years and our dream is to get him one step further than we have so far; get him to communicate enough for him to always be happy. So on to Ecuador it is for me and Patrick!!!
When we return Patrick needs many new pieces of equipment including a new wheelchair, ankle braces and handicapped van. His continued growth is truly amazing. We would also again like to reach out to another child and help him or her through their struggles by providing a service .
The web site for our destination is http://www.ascaac.com/ for those that are interested in viewing. Thanks again for being a Patrick supporter.
Jacki & Tim French
Tax ID # 22-3730861
The Patrick French Foundation founded in April of 2000 is celebrating 10 strong years of providing Patrick and other children with needs not met through conventional medical pathways and expenses not covered by insurance. Those of you that have followed the course of Patrick’s life know that this has not been an easy road.
At the age of 6 months Patrick a fat healthy 21 pound boy suffered a severe allergic reaction to the DTaP vaccine. Struggling for his life he was now cortically blind, unable to eat, and his body was akin to a rag doll. On his third birthday Patrick was lucky enough to participate in a study at Cornell University which proved life changing. The Hyperbaric oxygen treatments he received began to renew his vision, ease the conflicts in his tiny body and he started to regain some strength.
After placing him in Children’s Specialized Hospital School once again his life was traumatized. After only 19 days, 2 infections, and 2 rounds of antibiotics Patrick endured 6 months of agony. A stomach tube was inserted as he screamed in pain from bleeding ulcers caused by Xithromax. It was at this point that we left Beth Israel Hospital determined to end Patrick’s pain. Patrick was now 3 ½ years of age and still a frightening 21 pounds!
The foundation was established and our first mission was more hyperbaric oxygen. Since then Patrick has received we’ll over 500 treatments at $200/hour, has been on a hypoallergenic diet costing several hundred dollars/month, received the best equipment including three bicycles costing in excess of $10,000, and thrives. His progress has been slow but steady as most of you have witnessed. Today Patrick is a healthy low functioning thirteen year old and ready to once again be brave and take the next step.
Patrick and I are seizing an opportunity we can not pass up and spending money we don't have yet because of the potential it can have on his future. Stem cell research as it is in this country has major side effects such as cancer due to the fact that they use other peoples cells and the chance of infection and rejection is serious. At the American Stem Cell and Anti-aging Center in Ecuador they are doing a procedure similar to a bone marrow transplant. They transfuse the child's own blood, remove the stem cells remaining in the child's body, replicate the child's own stem cells with human growth factor, and reintroduce the child's own stem cells in mass back into their body. Because of Patrick's Immunoglobulin A deficiency, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection has always been in our way with stem cells. Reintroducing his own cells can cause no harm only good.
This procedure mimics the bone marrow transplant used for 28 years for leukemia, and the 6 year old procedure to alleviate pain for rheumatoid arthritis. Stem cells are the cells that replicate after fertilization. They are undifferentiated; they can become anything. They are not skin cells, heart cells, bone cells, etc. They can however become any of these cells. The potential for healing has proved to cure Sickle Cell Anemia, and many other diseases specifically an immune deficiency such as Patrick's IgA deficiency that is incurable otherwise. Stem cells are like heat seeking missiles within the body and search for damaged tissues and repair them. The uses are limitless and the potential for this therapy to help Patrick is endless.
Maybe he would walk unattended, maybe he could eat non-medical food, maybe he could say a few simple words or actually make eye contact. We have no idea but the results with other individuals have all been positive and I refuse to let this opportunity slip away, The therapy costs $18,000 and the travel expenses are around $2,000.00.
So on April 18th yes April 18th Patrick and I embark on our next quest for healing. Patrick deserves this chance and has needed that little nudge for so long. When he says "MOM' I cry because I know he wants to say so much more. He constantly moves his jaw talking with no words.
We have been so lucky to have so many wonderful supporters that have kept him going all these years and our dream is to get him one step further than we have so far; get him to communicate enough for him to always be happy. So on to Ecuador it is for me and Patrick!!!
When we return Patrick needs many new pieces of equipment including a new wheelchair, ankle braces and handicapped van. His continued growth is truly amazing. We would also again like to reach out to another child and help him or her through their struggles by providing a service .
The web site for our destination is http://www.ascaac.com/ for those that are interested in viewing. Thanks again for being a Patrick supporter.
Jacki & Tim French
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Cranford Elks Saved the Day
There are no words to explain the gratitude and love we feel from all of the Cranford Elks, The Motorcycle club, our great, great friends, and especially TRACY!!!!!!! Knowing all of you are behind us with such enthusiasm and excitement is like having wings with each of you beneath them; keeping us up and keeping us brave. Your prayers and responses to our plea for Patricks trip to Ecuador has been nothing short of overwhelming. We love you and hope that you will keep us in your prayers on our journey to Ecuador!!! Once again thank you for your monetary, emotional, and love felt responses.
The French's
The French's
Letter to a friend
Patrick and I are seizing an opportunity we can not pass up and spending money we don't have yet because of the potential it can have on his future. Stem cell research as it is in this country has major side effects such as cancer due to the fact that they use other peoples cells and the chance of infection and rejection is serious. At the American Stem Cell and Anti-aging Center in Ecuador they are doing a procedure similar to a bone marrow transplant. They transfuse the child's own blood, remove the stem cells remaining in the child's body, replicate the child's own stem cells with human growth factor, and reintroduce the child's own stem cells in mass back into their body. Because of Patrick's Immunoglobulin A deficiency, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection has always been in our way with stem cells. Reintroducing his own cells can cause no harm only good.
This procedure mimics the bone marrow transplant used for 28 years for leukemia, and the 6 year old procedure to alleviate pain for rheumatoid arthritis. Stem cells are the cells that replicate after fertilization. They are undifferentiated; they can become anything. They are not skin cells, heart cells, bone cells, etc. They can however become any of these cells. The potential for healing has proved to cure Sickle Cell Anemia, and many other diseases specifically an immune deficiency such as Patrick's IgA deficiency that is incurable otherwise. Stem cells are like heat seeking missiles within the body and search for damaged tissues and repair them. The uses are limitless and the potential for this therapy to help Patrick is endless.
Maybe he would walk unattended, maybe he could eat non-medical food, maybe he could say a few simple words or actually make eye contact. We have no idea but the results with other individuals have all been positive and I refuse to let this opportunity slip away, The therapy costs $18,000 and the travel expenses are around $2,000.00 leaving us with a $20,000.00 plus or minus expense.
The dinner dance paid off old bills and left us with the $2000.00 for travel but we are faced with raising the $18,000.00. Much of this will be raised in June at his annual golf outing but we need to provide the doctor with a sizeable down payment when we land in Ecuador on April 18th. Yes April 18th!!!!! I am scared to death, excited, hopeful, but I know this is the right choice to make. Patrick and I will be traveling alone due to cost, school, etc. so please keep us in your prayers. I know the charity ball is next week so if you could talk to the members of both the club and motorcycle club maybe a small amount of funds could be raised to make a dent in this expense. Patrick deserves this chance and has needed that little nudge for so long. When he says "MOM' I cry because I know he wants to say so much more. He constantly moves his jaw talking with no words.
We have been so lucky to have so many wonderful friends that have kept him going all these years. My dream is just to get him one step further than we have so far; get him to communicate enough for him to always be happy. So on to Ecuador it is for me and Patrick!!! And I thank you and all our other wonderful friends in advance and in the past for all the support both financial and emotional. Attached is a save the date card for Patrick's golf outing and the brochure will follow which can be distributed to everyone wishing to golf or sponsor a hole. The web site for our destination is http://www.ascaac.com/ for those that are interested in viewing. Thanks again for being a great friend and Patrick supporter.
Patrick and I are seizing an opportunity we can not pass up and spending money we don't have yet because of the potential it can have on his future. Stem cell research as it is in this country has major side effects such as cancer due to the fact that they use other peoples cells and the chance of infection and rejection is serious. At the American Stem Cell and Anti-aging Center in Ecuador they are doing a procedure similar to a bone marrow transplant. They transfuse the child's own blood, remove the stem cells remaining in the child's body, replicate the child's own stem cells with human growth factor, and reintroduce the child's own stem cells in mass back into their body. Because of Patrick's Immunoglobulin A deficiency, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection has always been in our way with stem cells. Reintroducing his own cells can cause no harm only good.
This procedure mimics the bone marrow transplant used for 28 years for leukemia, and the 6 year old procedure to alleviate pain for rheumatoid arthritis. Stem cells are the cells that replicate after fertilization. They are undifferentiated; they can become anything. They are not skin cells, heart cells, bone cells, etc. They can however become any of these cells. The potential for healing has proved to cure Sickle Cell Anemia, and many other diseases specifically an immune deficiency such as Patrick's IgA deficiency that is incurable otherwise. Stem cells are like heat seeking missiles within the body and search for damaged tissues and repair them. The uses are limitless and the potential for this therapy to help Patrick is endless.
Maybe he would walk unattended, maybe he could eat non-medical food, maybe he could say a few simple words or actually make eye contact. We have no idea but the results with other individuals have all been positive and I refuse to let this opportunity slip away, The therapy costs $18,000 and the travel expenses are around $2,000.00 leaving us with a $20,000.00 plus or minus expense.
The dinner dance paid off old bills and left us with the $2000.00 for travel but we are faced with raising the $18,000.00. Much of this will be raised in June at his annual golf outing but we need to provide the doctor with a sizeable down payment when we land in Ecuador on April 18th. Yes April 18th!!!!! I am scared to death, excited, hopeful, but I know this is the right choice to make. Patrick and I will be traveling alone due to cost, school, etc. so please keep us in your prayers. I know the charity ball is next week so if you could talk to the members of both the club and motorcycle club maybe a small amount of funds could be raised to make a dent in this expense. Patrick deserves this chance and has needed that little nudge for so long. When he says "MOM' I cry because I know he wants to say so much more. He constantly moves his jaw talking with no words.
We have been so lucky to have so many wonderful friends that have kept him going all these years. My dream is just to get him one step further than we have so far; get him to communicate enough for him to always be happy. So on to Ecuador it is for me and Patrick!!! And I thank you and all our other wonderful friends in advance and in the past for all the support both financial and emotional. Attached is a save the date card for Patrick's golf outing and the brochure will follow which can be distributed to everyone wishing to golf or sponsor a hole. The web site for our destination is http://www.ascaac.com/ for those that are interested in viewing. Thanks again for being a great friend and Patrick supporter.
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