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The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Letter to a friend

Patrick and I are seizing an opportunity we can not pass up and spending money we don't have yet because of the potential it can have on his future. Stem cell research as it is in this country has major side effects such as cancer due to the fact that they use other peoples cells and the chance of infection and rejection is serious. At the American Stem Cell and Anti-aging Center in Ecuador they are doing a procedure similar to a bone marrow transplant. They transfuse the child's own blood, remove the stem cells remaining in the child's body, replicate the child's own stem cells with human growth factor, and reintroduce the child's own stem cells in mass back into their body. Because of Patrick's Immunoglobulin A deficiency, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection has always been in our way with stem cells. Reintroducing his own cells can cause no harm only good.
This procedure mimics the bone marrow transplant used for 28 years for leukemia, and the 6 year old procedure to alleviate pain for rheumatoid arthritis. Stem cells are the cells that replicate after fertilization. They are undifferentiated; they can become anything. They are not skin cells, heart cells, bone cells, etc. They can however become any of these cells. The potential for healing has proved to cure Sickle Cell Anemia, and many other diseases specifically an immune deficiency such as Patrick's IgA deficiency that is incurable otherwise. Stem cells are like heat seeking missiles within the body and search for damaged tissues and repair them. The uses are limitless and the potential for this therapy to help Patrick is endless.
Maybe he would walk unattended, maybe he could eat non-medical food, maybe he could say a few simple words or actually make eye contact. We have no idea but the results with other individuals have all been positive and I refuse to let this opportunity slip away, The therapy costs $18,000 and the travel expenses are around $2,000.00 leaving us with a $20,000.00 plus or minus expense.
The dinner dance paid off old bills and left us with the $2000.00 for travel but we are faced with raising the $18,000.00. Much of this will be raised in June at his annual golf outing but we need to provide the doctor with a sizeable down payment when we land in Ecuador on April 18th. Yes April 18th!!!!! I am scared to death, excited, hopeful, but I know this is the right choice to make. Patrick and I will be traveling alone due to cost, school, etc. so please keep us in your prayers. I know the charity ball is next week so if you could talk to the members of both the club and motorcycle club maybe a small amount of funds could be raised to make a dent in this expense. Patrick deserves this chance and has needed that little nudge for so long. When he says "MOM' I cry because I know he wants to say so much more. He constantly moves his jaw talking with no words.
We have been so lucky to have so many wonderful friends that have kept him going all these years. My dream is just to get him one step further than we have so far; get him to communicate enough for him to always be happy. So on to Ecuador it is for me and Patrick!!! And I thank you and all our other wonderful friends in advance and in the past for all the support both financial and emotional. Attached is a save the date card for Patrick's golf outing and the brochure will follow which can be distributed to everyone wishing to golf or sponsor a hole. The web site for our destination is http://www.ascaac.com/ for those that are interested in viewing. Thanks again for being a great friend and Patrick supporter.

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