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The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

RIP our dear friend Rocco

This is a really hard one to talk about but an expression of love that needs to be told. For over 10 years we have been dragging our Patrick down to the Elks to sit and watch while we cater food just to pay the most basic of bills; utilities and food never knowing if we will be able to make ends meet. Our wonderful Elk family has protected us financially and emotionally throughout our 14 year struggle and has never let us down. One specific Elk has been an emotional rock for me and Patrick; our favorite; our Rocco.
A mere month ago on 6/15/11 our beloved Rocco passed away after complications with respiratory infections and heart disease. Every weekend we needed to cater at the Elks our buddy Rocco would entertain us, help us, and make Patrick happy with his funny hair hat. My last conversation with him was asking him how to work the cash register at the Elks because I was alone at the club. I didn't know until he told me he was in the hospital. He laughed and told me my drink was on him and not to worry about it. I never thought this would be my last conversation with my buddy.
Patrick has been to a few funeral but always in his wheel chair and left in the back of the room when each of us went up to pay our respects. When I drove into the parking lot of the funeral home I told Patrick this time it was way too important and that this was about his buddy. We parked the car, we walked into the funeral parlor, and for those that do not know Patrick can not walk alone; he has no balance skills but is as strong as an ox. Patrick will only walk if we are holding his hand or arm.
Patrick literally dragged me in, walked directly to the casket and stopped, stayed there for a while, turned, walked to Rocco's wife Lorriane where we talked and then returned to the casket before we walked out.
Patrick got it! He knew his buddy was gone and he felt what the rest of us felt. Even though Patrick can not communicate or walk independently he knew his good friend was gone and he knew how to pay his respects like anyone else. We should all learn a lesson from this and try to understand our strenghts and shortcomings.
Though his physical functional skills are not there his emotional and comprehensive skills are. Never assume, never think that you understand better than someone with a disablity. They will always surprise you:)

Parent and Patrick progress:)

So much has happened so much needs to be said! To start since we left Ecuador in November a major miracle has occurred. When Patrick turned three the school board convinced us Patrick should attend school. Very quickly we learned of another aspect of his vaccine injury and why he hadn't gained weight for three years; Patrick has an immunoglobulin A deficiency. Immunoglobulin A coats the digestive & respiratory track like a mucus which protects the tissue linings. We found out about this part of his injury and spent the next 6 months in and out of hospitals, a stomach tube, bleeding ulcers, severe constipation and many a bad day. But after this last trip to Ecuador we were given a miracle.
Because of internal upper gastric bleeding Patrick has always had black bowel movements. Within 24 hours of his treatment Patrick had bowel movements of enormous size and normal color. When we returned home a few days later the hole where his stomach tube had been oozed and we were petrified. This in fact was healing!!! For the eight months since his second treatment Patrick has had no sign of upper gastric bleeding and has had NO CONSTIPATION. To your normal parent the response is so what? To the parent of a handicapped child that bites his hands, refuses to eat, and screams in pain it means everything. At first my husband kept asking is there something different in his diet? And I kept saying no praying this was permanent but afraid to think so. After 8 months I know this is permanent.
People expected Patrick to come home and run or talk. I am satisfied with him being comfortable and laughing when he goes to the bathroom. We spent 14 years with suppositories, enemas, crying, and torture. Not so long ago Patrick accepted that the suppository would make him feel better and didn't fight back. Today he has a bowel movement and belly laughs afterwards.
For most this is an awkward conversation but for the parent of a child that doesn't have the physical capability of the most simple bodily functions it is a miracle. Quality of life is everything and I will continue on my quest to make sure my beautiful son is as comfortable and happy as possible.
I look forward to my next adventure and our next trip:) for healing!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Daughters Girl Scout Gold Award

I really need to update our blog and will as soon as we get through our daughters graduation, prom, etc. but need to share her latest accomplishments!!!
Go to
Couldn't be prouder!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wonderful things are happening for all of us this week! Patrick pedaled his bike around the track for an entire mile unassisted, Emma is using her communicator asking to go to the bathroom, and Rogers speech is improving!!! The bounty of one long tiring trip is endless!! We are all so happy to have gone to Ecuador and return home with such wealth. Will I ever stop saying thank you to our wonderful friends? Never. God bless and happy, happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Patrick Returns To Ecuador!!

Once again I can not thank the families, friends, and strangers that made Patrick's first trip, return trip, and this first trip for the Love family possible. I am happy to tell you that not just Patrick French & Emma Love were treated this morning but her dad Roger Love was treated this evening.
This morning Patrick walked into the clinic and screamed with joy at the top of his lungs just like he has hugged the hyperbaric chamber on so many occasions. Patrick remembered where he was and knew why we were back. As all of you know his cognitive ability over the past 7 months has increased tremendously along with his vision, gastric issues, physical strength, and ability to protect himself. Patrick knew exactly where he was and remembered why. He fought like a banshee as FIVE yes FIVE people held him down for the anethesia. When everyone thought he was out and relaxed he fought back again; he thought we would give up before him. Our family motto is "NEVER GIVE UP". Patrick never gave up!!! For either of my other children I would have cried being a part of this but for Patrick my heart soared knowing he got it and he was fighting to the bitter end!! Go Patrick!! Go Patrick!!
We do not know what is to come next for Patrick but we do know it will be positive. We also know we will return to Ecuador again whether it is for Patrick or any other member of our family. These doctors are true at heart, true in their quest to heal, and friends to me and my loved ones.
Rock on Patrick, Emma, and Roger!! Thank you once again to the loyal, committed doctors in Ecuador!!!! We shall always respect and love your ability to think outside the box and make things happen. Healing is possible and does not mirror masking with drugs!!
Patrick walked in today knowing I am in a good place, I am in a place that helped me.
For all of you appreciate and notice the little things. Those of us in an imperfect world know the little things been everything. We see every little change and thank God for them. We again thank all of you once again. God Bless!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Patrick Robert French

1 bad vaccine
$54,ooo copay at Childrens Specialized to save life
$108,000 in vitamin shots, holistic care, and osteopathic treatment
$20,000 / year in medical food & supplies for 14 years
582 hyperbaric oxygen treatments at $200/hr in NJ,NY,CT,FL plus travel
$18,000 and 2 stem cell treatments in Ecuador plus travel
miscellaneous expensive bikes,toys,etc

Values in at well over 1/2 million dollars

To the lifetime supporters of the Patrick French Foundation,
Thank you for helping, loving, caring, and providing these treatments to better his life.

Love, Jacki

Monday, November 1, 2010

Back To Ecuador We Go!!

Two weeks from today we leave!!! Can not wait to see what happens for Patrick next:) Ecuador here we come!!! Go Patrick Go! and just want to share something very few people know about. Very few know the real story behind Raggedy Ann. Its creator had a vaccine injured child who the original doll was created for. My son Patrick was that floppy doll once. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer but Raggedy Ann was really about a kid that couldn't hold her head up. The doll caught on like Charles Shaw wine:) a bitter sweet beginning to a happy financial ending.
And with that said, alternative medicine changed and continues to change the life of a Raggedy Andy named Patrick French. Without nutritional intervention, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, horrific physical therapy at home, parental intervention, and now the miracle of stem cell therapy our Patrick would have never achieved or experienced the pleasures of life he does now.
Tonight we went to dinner for his big brother Sean's 21 birthday!!! Happy day, happy times! When we got in the car to come back from MSU, Patrick was straining his neck to look out the front window and then also watching the traffic and lights from his passenger window. His acute,alert visual function is astounding.
Please peeps, please Lord keep us in your prayers as we travel again. God bless all of you that have made this happen for Patrick, Kieran, and Emma. You all have your silent pass to heaven for providing the funds to do this. Our families love you forever!!!